30 WordPress SEO tips to improve your rankings: Part 3 of 6
11. Have an objective keyword for each publication
Even though the way we optimized keywords has changed, they still play an important role in SEO. Each time you write a post on your site, you should have a target keyword for that specific post.
These are some of the best practices when optimizing a chosen keyword:
Do not overuse the keyword in your publication, just include it when it is natural.
Include your keyword in the first paragraph of your text if possible.
Use your target keyword in the title and subtitles.
Add your target keyword to your URL and meta description.
Yoast SEO facilitates the implementation of the above tips.
Each time you enter an entry, enter your target keyword in the tool. You will get an analysis of how well optimized the publication is for your chosen keyword.
You will receive suggestions to optimize your keywords and increase your chances of improving your web positioning.
12. Create high quality content
Google loves high quality content. Take a look at the first 10 results of any given keyword and you will see that the content meets two requirements:
The content is generally longer and has high standards.
The content satisfies the search intention.
The long and well written content is great. However, you may not know what the search intent is. In essence, the intention to search is the intention behind the keyword.
When you create any type of content, you should investigate what is currently well positioned and try to understand why it is well positioned. Sometimes, the content will be positioned only by the authority of the domain. But, if each site has a similar amount of authority, then the content itself will be the differentiating factor.
To have a better perspective of the keyword and what users are looking for, ask yourself the following questions:
Is the user looking for informational or product content?
Are you looking for something in depth? Or a short reading?
What characteristics do pages that are currently well positioned?
Which style of content will best suit the keyword?
With a better understanding of the keyword, the pages that position themselves well and what the user wants, you will be ready to create a piece of epic content.
13. Create longer content
Longer content tends to position itself better in search engines. Recent studies by Buzzsumo and Moz discovered that the longer content gets more social actions and backlinks in general, which means a higher ranking.
Another study found that most of the content that appears on the first page of Google has more than 2000 words. This does not mean that all posts on your site must reach this length of content, but it should be a goal.
But this does not mean that you must fill your content with unnecessary words to reach your goals of quantity of words.
Instead, you should focus on the intent of the keyword . That is, what is the reason why the user is searching for that keyword in the first place. Then, answer the intent of that keyword in the most complete and useful way possible, which in some cases may mean writing fewer words.
14. Create enduring content
Enduring content (or Evergreen) can be a powerful tactic to attract traffic. This style of content will always be relevant since its relevance does not depend on the date of publication.
Think of a publication as, ” The definitive guide to SEO on-site, ” instead of ” What you should know about the latest Google update .”
The first will be relevant for a long time, while the second will depend on information based on time. This does not mean that you post your enduring content once and you forget about it forever. Instead, periodically update the content to reflect the latest and most relevant aspects of your industry or topic.
The content of enduring is valuable because it does not lose its relevance. This means that you can share, promote and get backlinks continuously to this content. This style of content will normally hold high positions for years.
Even though the punishable content will take more time and effort to create, the fruits will be seen in the years to come.
15. Link to quality sources
Linking to high quality fonts will not damage your SEO, in fact, it could help you. When you link to authoritative high quality sources, you inform Google that the linked content is similar to yours. In addition, it improves the user experience by giving readers more information about the subject.
Do not allow your site to become a dead end on the Internet, creating outbound links is a good thing. Make linking to useful sources a practice, as it will help improve your own credibility and reliability. Linking with others also gives you a reason to communicate and start a dialogue.
You know that links are important, but you also want to include links in the right way. To avoid sending readers away from your site, a good idea is to open all external links in a new window. To do so, follow these steps:
Create a hyperlink
To create a hyperlink, highlight a text and click on the hyperlink button:
Then, click on the settings icon, which will show your link options.
Change link options
A text box will appear and you should select the box that says ‘ Open link in a new tab ‘.
Now, every time a user clicks on the link, it will open in a new tab, instead of being redirected away from your site.